#176, 2 May 2014
(Photograph by Orlando Gili [#175]. His work may be seen at: www.orlandogili.com/
#295, 11 March 2017.
Chiara Bordignon, a student on the Portraiture and the City (Tales of the City) module block, taught by Dr James Kent at Royal Holloway University of London, writes:
`This image shows half of the face of a young woman. The cropping enhances how `photography is about the context`: the half face outside the frame heightens the viewer`s imagination. As the cropping presents endless opportunities to be completed it becomes a metaphor for the city as a space of unlimited hopes and dreams. Besides, the uncomplete face ask the viewers to step out of their comfort zone and their limits; this might suggest that inhabiting the city is an active action which requires engagement from citizens.
Furthermore, the face of the women is blurred and the focus of the image is on the background. The blurring of the face evokes the anonymity which the city entails: on one hand, the city allows you to be whoever you want to be; on the other, the singular identity dissolves in the crowd. Indeed, the image is part of a sequence of photographs of strangers. If the whole project shows how fascinating and interesting strangers are, at the same time it makes the viewers realize how they actually have never really look at each other. Citizens normally walk through the bridge and look through each other, seeing people just as blurred faces.'
HT: `Like reverse braille’.
JP: ‘Like a negative’.
JP: ‘Like a negative’.